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Good Morning everyone!
Today’s daily devotion will be taken from Hosea 2:1-23

The story of Israels disobedience against God is well known to us. In this account according to Hosea, God uses a wife to represent the people of Israel.

In this account three things can be taken into considering.
First from verse 1-5, God talks about the sin of Israel as an Idolatry people.
The second thing which is highlighted is Gods judgement against them(Verse 6-13)
The last aspect is the great promise of His reconciliation.

There are some key things that will be useful for us in our Christian walk.

First and foremost as christians we have to love and own as brethren whom the Lord seems to place them among his children.
We should also know that unrepentant sinners will soon be cut off the advantages they misuse which they consume as a result of their own lust.

As christians and youth, we should know that these things are written for admonition to us that we will know the God we are serving. Sometimes obstacles as a results of our evil course are great blessings and are God’s hedges which helps to keep us from transgression.

Because of Gods great love for mankind, some of these obstacles in an evil course are to make the way of sin difficult for us and to keep us from it.

As believers we have every reason to bless God if he restrains his grace and providence and even for obstacles, pain, sickness and even calamity, if only it keeps us from sin and draw us closer to God.

Sometimes as believers we tend to forget that our comfort comes from God. God in mercy will take them away which will help us to think upon our danger.

There is a lot to talk about this passage, but for the purposes of time I will reserve the rest and encourage all of us as Christians to learn from these things which will help us in our walk with the Lord.

May God, who even in the heat of his anger, still keeps his promises and reconcile with us through Christ grant us the grace that we will walk with in in obedience and humility.


God Bless!