Think on These Things (Singleness)
By: PY Devotional Team
I want to be quiet enough to hear his voice. – Kathryn Hillen
A single person often has time alone. How they chooses to fill that time can enhance or worsen their lifestyle. In today’s society we can seem more connected and more isolated than ever before. Cell phones, texting and social media keep us constantly connected with everybody, and yet those same outlets isolate us from the people closest to us. On one hand, solitude and quiet have seemingly disappeared as our electronic devices intrude on our minds. On the other hand, focusing on those devices separates and isolates us from each other, even in the same room.
As discerning, Bible-reading individuals, though, we can note that the Scriptures are full of admonitions to be still, be silent, be at rest and, above all, keep our minds on things above. Finding verses about God’s incredible, unconditional love for us and memorizing them so we can access them at will during quiet times will do wonders for our souls.
In God’s wisdom he included many words in the Scriptures about resting in him. The psalmist advises us to meditate day and night on God’s great faithfulness and never-ending love. Who wouldn’t feel refreshed after minutes or even hours of ruminating on the Father’s sweet promises? We can be confident that we are his chosen and adopted spiritual children and that he finds great pleasure in taking care of us.
In your meditation or prayer time, focus your thoughts on someone whose plans for you are even greater than you can think or imagine (see Jeremiah 29:11). That “someone” is your heavenly Father. Thinking about and resting in his wonderful promises will surely make your experience more glorious than anything else you can do.
Father, fill my every spare moment with thoughts of you and your love for me. I want to ponder your Word and your glory in my heart all day long.